Thursday, January 27, 2011

Christmas Recap

Well, a Christmas recap is better late then never I guess. January has flown by and I just realized that I haven't updated our family blog. So here it goes.....

Before we headed down to Pasadena for Christmas we did a couple of things. We picked out our tree (Catie found a tree her own size)

We went to a Christmas party hosted by my mother's club and Catie decorated cookies and made a snowman

And we went to the Children's Party at Annandale golf club. Catie loved watching the magic show but didn't love seeing Santa Claus as much. After work on the 22rd we all drove to Pasadena and Catie was great in the car. She watched some dvds and slept for most of the way. On the 23rd we decided to do something different and my parents, sister, Colin, Catie, and I ventured into LA to watch the Las Posadas at a Mexican resturant on Olvera Street (The Posada is a short pilgrimage that reenacts the Christmas Eve journey of Mary and Joseph in Bethlehem searching for shelter). They had a performance of Aztec dancers (Catie wasn't a fan of the loud noise that they made), Mexican dancers, and a puppet show that was put on by the Bob Baker Marionettes. Catie loved the puppet show just as much as I did when I was a little girl. A puppet even sat on her lap!

The 24th was spent getting the dinner ready, wrapping last minute gifts, going to church and enjoying each others company. Catie had a wonderful time on Christmas eve and Christmas day running around with all of her second cousins and she was even big enough to eat at the kids table this year.

Catie loved Christmas morning. She asked Santa for a blue bike with a helmet (although the sight of Santa made her poop her diaper...literally). She must have been a good girl because Santa brought her the bike that she wanted (although I think that Colin was more excited then Catie was). Catie loved opening presents and would rip open the wrapping paper, grab the gift, hold it up to her face and say "ooohhhh". As I watched her open her gifts I couldn't help but think about how much she has grown. One year before (12/27/09) she started to walk and now she was running around thrilled with everything that she got. Time really does fly by. She was royally spoiled by her aunts, grandparents, and great grandmother. She is a very lucky lady to be so loved.

After Christmas we headed to Palm Desert for some relaxation and golf. We had a wonderful time and Catie enjoyed watching football with Daddy and Bampa. TOUCHDOWN!!!

We headed back up to Marin on the 30th in order to get ready to celebrate the wedding of one of Colin's oldest and dearest friends on New Year's Eve (thanks B and Da for babysitting).

2011 has already been a busy year (as you can tell by delay in posting) but we are excited to see what awaits us.

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