Monday, September 17, 2012

Happy Feet

Catie pointing to her ballet picture from last year
Catie loves to dance. Her favorite thing is when Auntie Susie comes over and they have a dance party. She has great moves (Catie...not Susie :) Anyways, last year Catie took ballet and while she enjoyed it, the class didn't seem very challenging for her and she got board a lot. This year I signed her up for a dance class at a real dance studio (end of the performances, parents waiting room, etc). The first half of the class consists of tap dance and the second half (after the proper shoe change) consists of jazz/ ballet. Catie's had a blast at her first class. The other kids in the class were waiving at their parents during the class and Catie wanted nothing to do with me. I waved to her and she literally stuck her hand up like she was saying "Oh mom....go away". The teacher (who owns the studio and has grown twins herself) told me how adorable Catie was and how she could already tell that she was a great addition to the class. My favorite part...I don't have to stay for class if I don't want to, which means I can run to Whole Foods down the street with one less child in tow!

Learning the basic tap dance 

The ballet portion (sorry about the parents talking)

PS- Catie the video can be small but Catie is easy to spot. She is the only one in a black leotard. 

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