Thursday, February 17, 2011

The Paci Fairy

Catie is 2 1/2 and although she only uses her pacifiers (paci as Catie calls them) at night when she sleeps, Colin and I both agreed that it was time for them to go (especially since Catie has her first dentist apt. next month). For a few weeks we have been talking to Catie about the Paci Fairy's and her upcoming visit.
The back story on the Paci Fairy is that she comes and takes all of the pacifiers so that she can give them to the new babies (since Catie is a big girl and doesn't need them anymore). When the Paci Fair takes the pacis she leaves a present as a thank you.

Well, the Paci Fairy came on Saturday night and when Catie woke up on Sunday I immediately sat up and watched the baby video monitor. Catie started to feel around her bed and yell "paci" so I went into her room and said, "Oh my gosh did the paci fairy come?" Catie slowly sat up and saw the two presents on the floor and yelled "Presents, Paci Fairy" and she didn't think twice about her pacifier. It was great!!

She spent all day playing with her new doll and Barbie and didn't even ask for a paci when she took her nap. Going to bed was a little tough. Our routine consists of brushing her teeth, putting on her sleep sack, giving her a lilly (her blanket) and paci, and rocking her to her Catie sleep song. We did everything and when we started to rock her she wanted her pacifier. After 20 minutes of rocking and reading books (and crying) we finally put her down. She wasn't crying anymore but it seemed like she didn't really know what to do. She looked for her pacis for a little bit and then just sat up and bed and looked at some books (we left a light on...don't worry, she wasn't reading in the dark). It took her 2 hours to fall asleep but she didn't cry. She woke up the next morning and acted as though she had no idea what a pacifier even was. Catie hasn't asked for a paci yet.

Oh, it did help that the Paci Fairy visited B and Da's house the next day and rumor has it that the Paci Fairy also made a visit to Gigi and Bampa's. Catie scored....thanks Paci Fairy.

Catie not knowing what to do since she doesn't have her pacifiers. PS- all of those pacifiers came from her bed (she had hid them everywhere).

Tuesday, February 1, 2011


Drum roll please.....we got into a pre-school!!! Woooo whoooo!!! As you may remember a couple of years ago I compared the pre-school application process to getting into college. I have come to realize that it is so very true! The pre-school that Catie will be going to has 30 kids in a class. Kids of alumni and current siblings get the initial spots and then the remaining spots go to the children on the waiting list. This year 24 openings went to alumni and siblings and the remaining 6 openings will go to kids that are on the waiting list (which currently consists of 200 applicants that were placed on the waiting list within 60 days of birth). Crazy, huh!

Well, we couldn't be more thrilled for so many reason.

1) Colin went to the same pre-school (hence Catie receiving one of the 24 spots for alumni and siblings). Thanks Colin!

2) Colin still talks about his time at pre-school. Not joke, he loved it and will tell you all about how he was chosen to sing "Take me out to the ball game".

3) The school is in a brand new location and the new facilities are amazing.

4) There are 6 teachers so the student to teacher ratio is incredible.

5) The school curriculum has a great mix of structure and play.

6) The pre-k program which Catie will be doing in a few years is excellent. They have a science teacher, a teacher that helps with writing, an art teacher, etc. I love that!

and finally the most important thing....

Catie loved it! We took Catie on a visit to the school for a morning and she had a wonderful time. Another family was there observing and the little girl stuck by her mom and dad for awhile until she warmed up. Catie on the other hand did not. She held my hand as we walked in and literally within 5 seconds of being inside she took off. She wanted nothing to do with Colin or me. She had a great time and loved every minute of school.

Catie also carried on the O'Connell tradition.....she cried and I mean CRIED when we left (just like her daddy did when he observed the school for the day). As we left Catie kept saying "Please mommy stay here".

Now if you ask her about school she will say "Catie, pre-school, next year".

She can't wait for September to come (I however will probably be the one crying this time).

Catie on the morning that she went to "check out" pre-school.

2 1/2 year old stats

Catie went to the doctor's for her 2 1/2 year old doctor's appointment. The doctor was thrilled with her language and how much it has developed since her 2 year old appointment. Catie is right on track with everything...yeah Catie!

Weight: 30 lbs, 2 ozs. (50% for her age)
Height: 37" (75% for her age)....amazing!!

It is so much fun to see Catie grow and watch her learn new things everyday.