Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween!!!

Love your little pumpkin Catie.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Catie has a new ride

Thanks to B and Pop (aka Colin parents) Catie has a new ride...thank you, thank you, thank you!She has officially become a runner thanks to the new Bob stroller. Last month I signed up for baby boot camp. Before I became pregnant I use to do a boot camp 3 times a week from 6:30 to 7:30 am. Once I got pregnant I stopped, and I never thought that I would have said this, but I missed it. I was nice to work out along the water staring at the Golden Gate bridge. It was also great to get your workout done in the beginning of the day and chat with people as you did it.

After my 6 week appointment with Dr. Green (thanks for delivering Catie Dr. Green) I was given the go ahead to start working out again. I found a boot camp that caters to moms and their kids, commonly referred to as baby boot camp. A bunch of mom with their kids in strollers work out along the water. It was perfect. It is the exact same thing (in the same location) as I did in my old boot camp (minus the stopping to feed Catie, put her pacifier back in, give her Lilly, or change her diaper).
Well, for the last month when we would get to the running portion of class I would have to leave Catie with the instructor because she shook too much in her stroller (thanks to the gravel/ dirt path). Catie would be ok for the first 30 minutes and then she would start to cry halfway through the class because she was tired of sitting in her seat and not moving. Well, both Colin and his dad (Pop) are big runners so we decided that we should get a running stroller. Thanks to Pop and B we have one and let me tell you folks, Catie loves it!

Today's class consisted of mostly running so she was able to come along with me. The first part of class she was making "cooing noises" and the second half of the class she slept. She didn't cry once!! She loved her new stroller and loved running with her mom. Here are a few pictures of her.

Well, I am now off to have some drinks with the moms that live in our much for all of the running today :) Have a good night everyone.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

How time flys by...

Happy 3 month birthday Catie. You are growing up so quickly. This is a picture taken on Catie's 1 month birthday....

and this is her now. She is getting so big.

Happy 3 month birthday sweetie. We love you.
Mommy and Daddy

Monday, October 27, 2008

Nap time

Tomorrow is Catie's 3 month birthday and I am trying to get her use to her crib. As soon as she turns 4 months and starts to eat rice cereal she will begin sleeping in her own room. To help with the transition I have started to put Catie down for actual naps in her crib. Sure, every once in awhile she still falls asleep in her swing, her bouncy seat, or my arms, but she is now starting to nap twice a day in her crib. My mom and dad gave Colin and me a baby monitor that has a camera and comes will a small flat screen monitor (can you tell that Colin picked it out). Once I put Catie down for her nap I turn on the monitor and proceed to stare at it. Normally when she sleeps in her swing or on the couch I take this time to get my stuff done. Now that she is napping upstairs I don't get anything done because all I do is stare at the monitor to make sure that she is ok. I wonder if by the time she goes to college I will have stopped watching her sleep?

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Great friends and good wine= Sonoma!!

This past weekend one of Colin's best friends from college was in town. Greg and his wife Lindsey were in from Chicago celebrating Greg's 29th birthday. Happ Birthday Greg!

On Friday night we had everyone over for dinner to kick off the weekend and to meet Catie. Colin and Greg were up to their old antics and as the pictures shows...they are voting NO on Prop 8.

On Saturday we went up to Sonoma for the day. We went to 4 vineyards, tasted lots of wine, laughed a lot, and had a total blast. It was also the first time that Colin and I had both been away from Catie for the whole day, but according to Auntie Susie she didn't seem to miss us that much. She went shopping, went to the park and helped welcome Lizzie and Jay Sternberg to Marin (congrats on moving into your new house). We had a great time with everyone in Sonoma and we are looking forward to the Kelley's next visit. Come back soon!!


A couple of weeks ago Auntie Susie gave Catie a blanket that has a lambs head on it. We decided to name it Lilly the lamb. Lilly has become one of Catie's favorite things to cuddle with since she is now starting to hold things in her hands. She sucks on her ear and hold it in when she sleeps. Since Lilly quickly calms Catie down we decided that it is necessary to have a backup Lilly in case one is in the wash or heaven forbid gets lost. Here is Catie with her Lilly's....she loves them!

As promised...

I promised a few people that I would take a picture of Colin the next time that he changed Catie's diapers. Colin is really great at changing her but he always first asks, "Is it poopie one"? Well I always say no primarily because he hasn't caught onto the fact that every morning she does have one. On Saturday morning I asked Colin to change Catie and counted down...5...4...3...2...1...and I heard "Oh my god" once he started to change her. I ran up stairs and this is what I saw.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Goodnight everyone....

Night, night. Sleep tight. See you in the morning bright. Don't let the bed bugs bite. Night, night. Love you!

(Thanks Auntie Erin for my bunny slippers and thanks Nonnie and Bamps for my bathrobe).

Love you all,

A perfect night and an even better day.

Last night was a perfect night. I dropped Catie off at Colin's office and I got this amazing smile from her before I left...

Then I left and met the girls at Houston's for dinner. It was a beautiful WARM night in the city so we sat outside and so the night began. We were out celebrating the fact that Jackie is officially done with radiation. It was a night filled with great toasts, wonderful wine, funny stories and great friends. We can't wait to celebrate again on Nov. 3rd when Jackie finds out that she officially killed Turk.

Today Catie and I went to boot camp in the morning. Catie did well but had to be fed half way through- thanks Russ the instructor for feeding her (although I would have rather fed her so that I didn't have to do 50 push ups). After boot camp Catie and I met Jackie for lunch at the Grove. We sat in the sun and chatted away. It was a perfect day because it was spent with a very special friend. We love you Jackie!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Catie's new stroller and mommy and me class

Here is Catie in her new stroller. As you can see she loves it (thank you B and Pop)!
Catie and I have been going to a mommy and me class for the past month. Today I was really able to see a big difference in her now versus when she first started. Today she was wide awake during the whole class and doesn't fall asleep anymore. She really loved looking at the other kids and she even laughed (no sound yet) and smiled! Way to go Catie!!!
It's time to get ready to head to the city. I am off to dinner to celebrate with Jackie (her radiation ended today, whoo) and the girls and Catie is being dropped off at her daddy's work. Until tomorrow.

Catie had a slumber party last night!

Last night Catie's Auntie Susie came over for dinner and spent the night. Catie was held the whole time, told how amazing she was, smiled like crazy and made all of our hearts melt. It was fun having Susie here and Catie can't wait for her to babysit this weekend while Colin and I go to Napa for the day.
Catie can now hold up her head and has control of her neck so last night Colin turned Catie's stroller from a bassinet to a big girls seat! It is so exciting yet so sad because as Colin pointed out, "She is growing up so fast". Stay tuned later today for a picture of her first ride in her new stroller!
Well Catie is waking up from her morning nap so it's time to feed her and get ready for the day!

Let's try this blogging thing!

I have been thinking about starting a blog for awhile, not because I think that people care what I think about things, but to help keep my family and friends posted on what Catie is up to. Let's face it, compared to her everything comes in second place. Anyways, I googled how to start a blog and it basically said that any computer illiterate person could do it, and it's true! So with all of that being said I will do my best to update the blog as much as possible and let everyone know what new advancements Catie has made. Enjoy!